

Julian Sanders is a law clerk for the U.S. 参议院国土安全和政府事务委员会在华盛顿特区.C., but his journey started at Jackson College.

“如果我没有机会去全球网络赌博平台,我就不会成为今天的我,” he said. “全球网络赌博平台真的给了我一个很好的机会来建立一个网络, to learn about myself, 让自己在高等教育中扎根.”


“当我了解到这一点,并认识到全球网络赌博平台所能提供的一切, especially the on-campus housing, 离开家乡一段时间是一种真正的体验, that was what really attracted me to Jackson College,” he said.

由于祖母死于脑癌,他暂时离开了, 他回到全球网络赌博平台履行他对她的承诺,继续留在学校. 在这段时间里,朱利安深情地回忆起他参加《全球网络赌博平台》的经历.

“I met a lot of good people and made life-long friends. 我的家人给了我很多支持,甚至全球网络赌博平台的一些人也给了我很多支持,包括费伦校长, along with Antoine Breedlove with the Men of Merit, 这是一个很好的组织,把年轻人聚集在一起, particularly young men of color, to be able to interact with one another on campus, in a safe space, and to engage in the community,” Julian said.

朱利安的公开演讲之旅始于五年级,当时他是大布兰克梅森小学的校长, Michigan put him on stage to recite Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. This is something that has turned into a passion for him, 最终使他在多年后写出并背诵了各种演讲.

“我当时真的不明白那次演讲的影响,也不明白公众演讲的影响,” Sanders said. “我真的很高兴能够向充满希望和使命感的人们传达信息. 它不仅让我能够表达我对我们国家正在发生的事情的看法, 但它给了我一个与人们产生共鸣和联系的机会, and to let them know they are not alone.”

在2019年秋天转学到大峡谷州立大学之后, 朱利安获得政治学学士学位,辅修刑事司法. Inspired by figures like Dr. 和前总统奥巴马一样,他想继续为社区做贡献.

“在政治舞台上,有些人看起来像我, many former and current community activists, lawyers, businessmen, and pastors, who are really hands on in the community; I wanted to understand what that’s like,” he said. “我希望能够学习如何在这个领域有效地为我的社区做出贡献,因为现在政府比以往任何时候都更能发挥作用,当涉及到我们今天的生活方式时.”

During his time at Grand Valley, 他在华盛顿成为一名政府关系实习生后,迈出了第一步, D.C., during the summer of 2021, 在那里他有机会分析拜登总统的财政年度预算, 领导实习生制定备忘录并向高级工作人员提出政策建议.

“It was a really fulfilling experience to at a decent age, 来到我们国家的首都,了解政府的运作方式,了解我希望能够为政府为所有人服务做出贡献的方式,” he said.

自2021年秋天从格兰德谷大学毕业以来,他一直在美国大学的管理下工作.S. 参议员加里·彼得斯(密歇根州民主党),甚至在他上法学院的时候.

“我很荣幸能有机会为他工作,并在法学院工作. It was a real sacrifice between my studies and work, friendships and even time with family, 但这两方面的知识和经验都是值得的,” he said.

He aspires to a long-term career in public service.

“What that looks like, I’m not sure yet,” Sanders said. “我真的很热衷于解决问题,并能够为人们找到解决方案, businesses, individual and cities, you name it. 我的愿望是以任何可能的方式有效地提供帮助.”

朱利安目前就读于密歇根州立大学法学院 & Broad College of Business. He is on track to graduate with a JD/MBA in 2027.